Here is the first one:
The Willy Wonka meme was already explained in the blog prompt, so I won't bother explaining it again. I'm sure that anybody who has used the internet knows that most people don't bother using correct grammar in chat rooms, on message boards, or in most online environments. Many people argue that using correct grammar isn't necessary in these environments because they aren't academic settings. So when somebody comes into a chat room or on a message board and starts correcting grammar, they are typically ridiculed and asked to shut-up.
This particular Willy Wonka meme pokes fun at the people who insist on correcting grammar. The meme insinuates that correcting grammar is unproductive, especially in an online setting. I personally haven't seen this meme used in real life, but I assume that people use it on a message board when somebody posts grammar corrections. The meme is basically saying, "nobody cares that our grammar is bad... go do something better with your time."
Here is the second one:
If you don't know, this is Ryan Gosling. This example is a little bit more complex than the last one in that the original intention of the "Feminist Ryan Gosling Meme" seems to have been lost. For an in depth history of the "Feminist Ryan Gosling Meme", click here. But in short, the meme was started by somebody who was trying to keep track of feminist ideas and theorists. Eventually, it evolved into photos of Gosling with a sensitive sounding quote imposed onto the photo, all with the intro "Hey girl..."
Now, look at the example I shared. The quote is neither feminist inspired nor sensitive. It appears as if somebody just took the "Hey girl..." intro, then posted some random quote about grammar. The blood on his shirt is supposed to lead the viewer to believe the Mr. Gosling beat up the guy who didn't use proper grammar.
This second example seems to have been created by somebody who encourages correct grammar, as opposed to the first example which is condescending toward grammar correctors.
You can probably imagine that is was a bit more difficult to find grammar fan-art, and it was. But here is something I found:
A "grammar nazi" is one who constantly corrects grammar. If somebody tries to correct somebody else's grammar on a message board post, a typical response might be "all heil the grammar nazi!" Now, I don't think I have to explain what a nazi is--at least I don't think I do, right? The point is, I'm sure most people know what is being suggested by the term "grammar nazi". By knowing what the term suggests, the intentions of the user of the term should also be pretty clear--people who constantly correct grammar are like nazis. That is obviously extreme, but the internet is full of extremes!
As far as the creation of this piece of art, it doesn't seem as if it took an incredible amount of technological skill. I can't confirm this, since I don't have a word processor on my computer right now, but I wouldn't be surprised if there is a simple template in Microsoft Word that can be used to create something that looks like a book cover. The most complicated part was most likely the creation of the logo, but I'm not sure if this particular artist was even the original creator of the swastika inspired "grammar nazi" logo.
I like this one, too:

Without fail, the Willy Wonka meme makes me laugh every time! It seems that no matter what he is saying, it's always so snarky, I love it! Grammar is a tough topic, but look at everything you found relating to it! You're a brave man, and you have so much cool stuff to help bring the topic alive. I love your "Feminist Ryan Gosling" meme. I clicked the link you provided and read a little bit more about it. There are so many other funny ones on there in that link, so everyone should click on it and see. I never knew about the feminist Ryan Gosling memes before and thought it was interesting how it evolved into memes of him starting with "Hey Girl...". I couldn't help but love the fan art too, the Nazi one was clever to show all the common words that are misspelled in the wrong context, only to end it with "My Grammar is Gooder". This was very entertaining, good job! :)
I agree with Dave on the "My Grammar is Gooder" part of the Grammar Nazi fan art. I'm not sure I got the Grammar Communist fan art though other than it follows the same theme as the Grammar Nazi (maybe that is the point). I've been known as a grammar Nazi in the past and the Willie Wonka meme would have been used on me if it existed at that time (I'm talking before the internet was common.)
Shirley, I don't know if you noticed, but the communist "sickle and hammer" logo is turned and altered slightly to look like a G, for grammar.
Dave, I am also surprised with what I found. I chose grammar because I want to become better at it, but I didn't really think about what kinds of blog prompts we would be receiving. I was a little stumped at first when I saw this one, but luckily it turned out.
I totally didn't catch that the sickle and hammer was was turned into a G until you mentioned it! I could see that it was off somehow, but I'm not familiar enough with the symbol to really get it- I thought the person who made the image just did a crappy job drawing or had low-quality resources.
I totally would not have gotten it without it being pointed out. I din't see anything amiss with the sickle and hammer. I was stumped also with some of the blog posts and my topic, but I did choose to go ahead with it because I could find memes and videos when we started.
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