Monday, November 5, 2012

Web Pages for Bullying

So being sick all last week has put me seriously behind so this might be kinda skimpy.


My home page will give a brief introduction to bullying and an overview of the Manovich concepts used throughout the site.  Again, I don't have my book with me so please refer to my last post for an idea of what this will look like.  I will be more specific than I was in the last post however.

Memes and Videos

This page will include several memes, video memes, and anti-bullying videos.  I will also embed the movie cyberbu//y.  I will discuss how each of these either effect cyber-bullying, bullying in general and those involved.  I will also discuss the Manovich concepts discussed in the posts on memes and videos: compositing, montage, transcoding, and etc.  This page may get to be two pages rather than one page.


This page will include a brief summary of some really good anti-bullying sites along with the links to those cites.  I will discuss Manovich's hyperlinking, interfacing, and other related topics.

Anti-Bullying Legislation

This page will include a discussion of current cyber-bullying laws as well as links to Utah State Code on bullying and school policies and other sites that I researched for other classes.  I will include Manovich as I discuss how cyber-bullying has become an issue mostly because of the internet and our uses of it.

I'm still working out any other pages I may want to include on my site.  I'll see what happens the closer I get to finishing it.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Grammar Pages

So I didn't post last week. I have absolutely no excuse. I was just lazy. You know how sometimes you just don't feel like doing anything? Yeah, that was last week for me.

Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, grammar! I know you guys missed it. Here are the pages I am planning on including for my final site.


Obviously. Since I didn't type out an intro last week, I will have to work on one to put in this section. I don't want my home page to be too heavy, so the intro will be brief and simple—probably no more than 2 or 3 paragraphs. I'll probably toss in a grammar joke or something too. I thought about making a separate page for grammar jokes, but changed my mind. Besides, the humor will come from the (spoiler alert!) memes page. But to keep people interested, I think it would be good to put at least a little humor or something on the home page. As for images, I would like to find or create an image that shows grammar rules in action. I don't really know what that means, but I'll figure it out before the final website is due.

I'll probably bust out some MODULARITY principles on this page. If I remember right, modularity is all about how large-scale objects are made up of smaller things. The smaller things still contain their own identity, but they make up the larger-scale thing which also has it's own identity. That was a totally lame explanation of modularity. I need to brush up on the technical definition. But think about it. This is what our websites are all about. One big site, but it is made up of many pages. Then each of those pages are made up of small pieces. BOOM! Mind blown!


I want this page to include a brief history of the English language. You can't have grammar without a language, right? (Probably). Then I will include a more modern history of grammar and how things have been changing so much in the past century, and especially in the past few decades. It seems like almost every year I learn that a grammar rule has changed, or that a rules isn't as enforced anymore. I find that interesting and want to explore it in detail. That's what this page will be all about.

VARIABILITY, BABY! I like this quote from Manovich: "Changes in media technologies are correlated with social change. If the logic of old media corresponded to the logic of industrial mass society, the logic of new media fits the logic of postindustrial society, which values individuality over conformity" (41). I want to apply this to how grammar rules have changed based on social change. I hope that isn't too much of a stretch.

I might also be able to throw down some TRANSCODING principles here.


I can't get around this one. I can't create a website about grammar without including grammar rules. I don't want this page to be too crazy though. I will most likely include some basics (like parts of speech), and a list of common grammar errors. I want this page to be somewhere between funny and serious. That should be difficult, because I'm never serious.

OK, I might be having second thoughts now that I have to apply this crap to Manovich. I'm thinking that I might be able to pull something from this quote and relate it: “When you use the internet, everything you access- texts, music, video, navigable spaces- passes through the interface of the browser and then, in turn, the interface of the OS. In communication, a code is rarely simply a neutral transport mechanism; usually it affects the messages transmitted.”

So.... I can relate this to grammar, right? Grammar isn't just a "transport mechanism" in that there is flexibility when it comes to grammar. The grammar style in which one prefers to use "affects the messages transmitted." Does that make any sense at all? Seriously, be honest.


I'm sure everyone is including a "memes" page on their site. Since we've already done plenty of meme work on this blog, I don't have to explain in much detail why I am including this page. It will most likely put the Hitler video on this page (because it was awesome!). But I'm not sure which image memes I will put up. I'm sure I will have a discussion about the "grammar nazi" thing, so I'll put some of those up. I still want to find some other ones though. We'll see how that goes.

OK, back to the easy stuff. AUTOMATION will be the topic here. There are all sorts of meme generators out there, or templates if you will. And with the Hitler video, I'm sure whoever made that used video editing software that included templates.


Most of the sites that would go on this page have already been introduced on the blog, especially during the "Story of Grammar" post when I googled "grammar." I will write a brief paragraph about each site describing what you can find on that site, and probably a little review or something.

I will discuss HYPERLINKING on this page. That is all I have to say about it.


It's good to be back!

iPhone 5 Pages

Like stated in the blog prompt, my main page will introduce my topic, the iPhone 5 as well as manovich.  The remaining four pages will include many interactive material that compliment my topic and create a user friendly environment to explore and learn more about the topic.

The second page will include many different videos about my topic.  All of these will be from YouTube.  The videos on this page will include fan-made videos, concept videos, "tear-down" videos, and drop test videos.  This will help show Manovich's concepts of Operation.

On the third page I will have a series of about ten iPhone 5 memes that I found in my research when doing the meme blog post.  These are going to be both for and against the iPhone 5 created by lovers and haters.  This section will be primarily used to show Manovich's theories of Illusion.

The fourth page will include a variety of concept photos created by fans and the media.  Given the rumors and hype that Apple creates with the secrecy behind the creation of their products, creative fans go wild with creating concept predictions of upcoming devices.  This will accentuate Manovich's Chapter 4 concerning the user's form of expression.

The final page on my site will consist of a brief history of the iPhone to the iPhone 5.  I will use Manovich's topic of hyper-linking to get to other web pages that can further explain and delve into he history and evolution of the iPhone.  This will also touch on Manovich's Chapter 5 discussing databases.


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