Monday, November 5, 2012

Web Pages for Bullying

So being sick all last week has put me seriously behind so this might be kinda skimpy.


My home page will give a brief introduction to bullying and an overview of the Manovich concepts used throughout the site.  Again, I don't have my book with me so please refer to my last post for an idea of what this will look like.  I will be more specific than I was in the last post however.

Memes and Videos

This page will include several memes, video memes, and anti-bullying videos.  I will also embed the movie cyberbu//y.  I will discuss how each of these either effect cyber-bullying, bullying in general and those involved.  I will also discuss the Manovich concepts discussed in the posts on memes and videos: compositing, montage, transcoding, and etc.  This page may get to be two pages rather than one page.


This page will include a brief summary of some really good anti-bullying sites along with the links to those cites.  I will discuss Manovich's hyperlinking, interfacing, and other related topics.

Anti-Bullying Legislation

This page will include a discussion of current cyber-bullying laws as well as links to Utah State Code on bullying and school policies and other sites that I researched for other classes.  I will include Manovich as I discuss how cyber-bullying has become an issue mostly because of the internet and our uses of it.

I'm still working out any other pages I may want to include on my site.  I'll see what happens the closer I get to finishing it.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Grammar Pages

So I didn't post last week. I have absolutely no excuse. I was just lazy. You know how sometimes you just don't feel like doing anything? Yeah, that was last week for me.

Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, grammar! I know you guys missed it. Here are the pages I am planning on including for my final site.


Obviously. Since I didn't type out an intro last week, I will have to work on one to put in this section. I don't want my home page to be too heavy, so the intro will be brief and simple—probably no more than 2 or 3 paragraphs. I'll probably toss in a grammar joke or something too. I thought about making a separate page for grammar jokes, but changed my mind. Besides, the humor will come from the (spoiler alert!) memes page. But to keep people interested, I think it would be good to put at least a little humor or something on the home page. As for images, I would like to find or create an image that shows grammar rules in action. I don't really know what that means, but I'll figure it out before the final website is due.

I'll probably bust out some MODULARITY principles on this page. If I remember right, modularity is all about how large-scale objects are made up of smaller things. The smaller things still contain their own identity, but they make up the larger-scale thing which also has it's own identity. That was a totally lame explanation of modularity. I need to brush up on the technical definition. But think about it. This is what our websites are all about. One big site, but it is made up of many pages. Then each of those pages are made up of small pieces. BOOM! Mind blown!


I want this page to include a brief history of the English language. You can't have grammar without a language, right? (Probably). Then I will include a more modern history of grammar and how things have been changing so much in the past century, and especially in the past few decades. It seems like almost every year I learn that a grammar rule has changed, or that a rules isn't as enforced anymore. I find that interesting and want to explore it in detail. That's what this page will be all about.

VARIABILITY, BABY! I like this quote from Manovich: "Changes in media technologies are correlated with social change. If the logic of old media corresponded to the logic of industrial mass society, the logic of new media fits the logic of postindustrial society, which values individuality over conformity" (41). I want to apply this to how grammar rules have changed based on social change. I hope that isn't too much of a stretch.

I might also be able to throw down some TRANSCODING principles here.


I can't get around this one. I can't create a website about grammar without including grammar rules. I don't want this page to be too crazy though. I will most likely include some basics (like parts of speech), and a list of common grammar errors. I want this page to be somewhere between funny and serious. That should be difficult, because I'm never serious.

OK, I might be having second thoughts now that I have to apply this crap to Manovich. I'm thinking that I might be able to pull something from this quote and relate it: “When you use the internet, everything you access- texts, music, video, navigable spaces- passes through the interface of the browser and then, in turn, the interface of the OS. In communication, a code is rarely simply a neutral transport mechanism; usually it affects the messages transmitted.”

So.... I can relate this to grammar, right? Grammar isn't just a "transport mechanism" in that there is flexibility when it comes to grammar. The grammar style in which one prefers to use "affects the messages transmitted." Does that make any sense at all? Seriously, be honest.


I'm sure everyone is including a "memes" page on their site. Since we've already done plenty of meme work on this blog, I don't have to explain in much detail why I am including this page. It will most likely put the Hitler video on this page (because it was awesome!). But I'm not sure which image memes I will put up. I'm sure I will have a discussion about the "grammar nazi" thing, so I'll put some of those up. I still want to find some other ones though. We'll see how that goes.

OK, back to the easy stuff. AUTOMATION will be the topic here. There are all sorts of meme generators out there, or templates if you will. And with the Hitler video, I'm sure whoever made that used video editing software that included templates.


Most of the sites that would go on this page have already been introduced on the blog, especially during the "Story of Grammar" post when I googled "grammar." I will write a brief paragraph about each site describing what you can find on that site, and probably a little review or something.

I will discuss HYPERLINKING on this page. That is all I have to say about it.


It's good to be back!

iPhone 5 Pages

Like stated in the blog prompt, my main page will introduce my topic, the iPhone 5 as well as manovich.  The remaining four pages will include many interactive material that compliment my topic and create a user friendly environment to explore and learn more about the topic.

The second page will include many different videos about my topic.  All of these will be from YouTube.  The videos on this page will include fan-made videos, concept videos, "tear-down" videos, and drop test videos.  This will help show Manovich's concepts of Operation.

On the third page I will have a series of about ten iPhone 5 memes that I found in my research when doing the meme blog post.  These are going to be both for and against the iPhone 5 created by lovers and haters.  This section will be primarily used to show Manovich's theories of Illusion.

The fourth page will include a variety of concept photos created by fans and the media.  Given the rumors and hype that Apple creates with the secrecy behind the creation of their products, creative fans go wild with creating concept predictions of upcoming devices.  This will accentuate Manovich's Chapter 4 concerning the user's form of expression.

The final page on my site will consist of a brief history of the iPhone to the iPhone 5.  I will use Manovich's topic of hyper-linking to get to other web pages that can further explain and delve into he history and evolution of the iPhone.  This will also touch on Manovich's Chapter 5 discussing databases.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Dr. Crane interview

What do you wish students knew about the certificate before starting?
Certificate is in limbo. Would rather have them go into the writing studies emphasis/minor. Tech comm. is a growing field but also is also changing-employers use tech writers on contract basis, so you either have to be a hustler or need to use tech comm. as addendum/expansion of another skillset. People are hired for tech comm. but job description is expanded beyond that.

Can you define the tech comm certification? What is it in a nutshell?
The next best thing to the minor.

What skills do completers receive?
Increased knowledge of genre, better editors, better document designers, acquired thinking skills necessary to acquire new/further skills within tech comm

What kinds of jobs can students get with the certificate? Would this lead to any kinds of opportunities for grad school?
Jobs: Lately people have been hiring/querying technical communicators for SEO. Editing and writing in small local businesses. If you acquired the certification in addition to domain specific major then you have more value- two people up for one job- if one person can write and has the portfolio to back it up then they have more value to an employer.

Grad school: If going to grad school there’s an academic bias against anything vocational. An English major with certificate would be good but someone with the minor is in a better position

Are there any on-campus opportunities related to the certificate?
No, and there is no local chapter of Society for Technical Communication

What is the normal amount of time it takes students to complete the certification?
Not sure

Difference between writing studies minor and certification?
Minor is more involved- more courses, more hours, gain more experience
Really need to focus on building portfolio. Classes and coursework are more meaningful if you see them as pieces of your portfolio.

Anything else?
In my opinion, shifting more toward writing studies. Not a replacement but a good place to acquire those skills and other related important skills. In a perfect world we’d have a tech comm. major but that would require a shift in focus and resources within the department and not sure if dept would like to make that reallocation.

Arrested Development intro and Manovich intro

Arrested Development is a TV series which originally aired 53 episodes on FOX between 2 November 2003 and 10 February 2006. More episodes are currently in production and will air on Netflix.

During Arrested Development's original run, ratings were never good but the show enjoyed lots of critical acclaim. In 2004, Arrested Development was nominated for seven Emmy Awards and won five. Also in 2004, the show received a TV Land award for "Future Classic," and in 2007, Time Magazine included Arrested Development on its list of 100 Best TV shows of all time.

The show centers around three generations of the Bluth family- George Sr. and Lucille, their children GOB (George Oscar Bluth), Michael, Lindsay (and her husband Tobias), and Buster, and their grandchildren, Michael's son George Michael and Lindsay's daughter Maeby. 

The Bluth Company, the family business, mainly markets and builds McMansions, but the only profitable division of the company is the frozen banana stand.

George Sr. (Jeffrey Tambor) is the family patriarch and (original) CEO of the Bluth Company. The series begins with him passing on control of the company to his wife, Lucille, and promptly being arrested by the SEC for "using the company as his personal piggy-bank." While his children were growing up, they saw him as distant and difficult to please and are more concerned about how his imprisonment will affect their lifestyle than how it will affect them.

Lucille (Jessica Walter) is a highly-functioning alcoholic. She is manipulative, demanding, controlling, pampered, and emotionally abusive to her children and others under her control. As CEO, she first passes on control of the company to the child most under her thumb- Buster. Only after all the responsibility sends Buster to the hospital with a panic attack, does she asks the child most suited for the job, Michael.

GOB (Will Arnett) is George Sr. and Lucille's oldest child. He works as a magician and is the founder of The Magician's Alliance, a group which later kicked him out for revealing trade secrets. His parents openly admit to disliking and not respecting him, and his bitter rivalry with his younger brother Michael is often fueled by George Sr. and Lucille for their personal gain. His personality is bombastic, but his confidence is easily shattered and can quickly dissolve into self-loathing. He occasionally has problems with speaking English properly.

Michael (Jason Bateman) is the second oldest son and "twin" brother of Lindsay. He serves as the "straight man," introduced in the title sequence of every episode as "the one son who had no choice but to keep [the family] all together," but as the series continues, he increasingly seems as crazy as the rest of the family. His wife died two years prior to the pilot and his relationship with his son, George Michael, is almost uncomfortably close. 

Lindsay (Portia de Rossi) is the self-described liberal member of the family. Lindsay sees herself as a dedicated activist for many causes, but she is really a shallow, superficial princess who supports these causes for status. The only money she ever "raises" comes from the Bluth Company. She married Tobias Funke as an act of youthful defiance and bitterly resents him. Lindsay has incredibly low self esteem, due to constant emotional abuse from her mother and Tobias' lack of interest in her. After she and Tobias decide to open their marriage, she has very little success with other men. She is often shown to be neglectful of her daughter, Maeby.

Buster (Tony Hale) is the youngest Bluth son. He never moved out of his parents' home. He has an unhealthy attachment to his mother, and Lucille has sheltered and controlled him so much that he is childlike, socially stunted and prone to panic attacks. He has spent much of his adult life completing graduate programs like cartography and 18th century agrarian business. Lucille enlists Buster in the Army because a Michael Moore-esque character antagonizes her, but his training is unsuccessful. He later loses his left hand to a "loose seal" and wears a hook, then a prosthetic hand, on his left arm.

Tobias Funke (David Cross) is Lindsay's husband, a sucessful analrapist (analyst and therapist) turned unsuccessful actor. He suffers from "never-nude" syndrome, a condition which is, as the series' narrator states, "exactly what it sounds like." He constantly wears a pair of denim cut-offs. One running joke of the series is the question of his sexuality, as well as his understudy position in the Blue Man Group (which he initially thought was a support group for depressed men). Like his wife, he is incredibly neglectful of his daughter, Maeby.

George Michael (Michael Cera) is Michael's only child. His mother died from ovarian cancer and he is very close to his father. In addition to attending high school, he runs the banana stand, the only profitable division of the Bluth Company. For much of the series, he has an intense crush on his cousin Maeby, even while he has a girlfriend.

Maeby (Alia Shawkat) is the daughter of Lindsay and Tobias. She is rebellious, fiercely independent, secretive, and great at coming up with schemes to improve her life (like pretending to have a mysterious illness called BS to get donations or working as a Hollywood studio executive). She doesn't quite realize the extent of George Michael's crush on her, and at one point accidentally marries him.


Three commonly used terms explained

  • language: Language is used instead of other terminology options to differentiate between this study and studies of new media and cyberculture which focus on sociology, economics and politics. This text focuses on emergent conventions, recurrent design patters, and key forms, studied in relation to other arts and media, computer technology, contemporary visual culture, and contemporary information culture.
  • new media object: The term holds up for all digital media types (including but not limited to digital stills and video, 3D environments, a website or the Web as a whole). Object is a standard term in the computer industry. Russian constructivists and productivists in the 1920s referred to their works as objects. Manovich wants to invoke all those connotations because in new media, the line between art and design is fuzzy, and he would like to reactivate the concept from the '20s of laboratory experimentation.
  • representation: New media objects are cultural objects and therefore represent and sometimes construct an outside referent (existing object, historical information, system of categories used by a culture or social group). Software interfaces of operating systems and software applications are also representations. Data organized in a particular way represents a worldview. Two key organizational system are
    1. hierarchical: assumes the world is a logical place and every object has a distinct and well-defined place (EX: GUI from 1984 Macintosh onward)
    2. "flat" network of hyperlinks: every object has the same importance and is or can be connected to everything else (EX: the World Wide Web from the 1990s onward)

Other concepts that may be important in my project:

  • modularity
  • automation
  • variability (flashbacks)
  • selection
  • templates

Monday, October 29, 2012

common headings

Bullying Intro

Bullying has been a problem for as long as we could communicate.  All it takes is being rude to another person.  How easy is that?  The problem with bullying is the damage it does to the person being bullied.  Bullying causes low self-esteem and low self-worth in both the victims and the bullies.  The results are often so sever that the victim attempts suicide, often more than once.  It is saddest when those attempts are successful.  The three most basic types of bullying are physical aggression, verbal aggression, and relational aggression.  While physical and verbal aggression are self explanatory, relational aggression is not.  Relational aggression involves gossip, spreading rumors, social isolation, purposely being left out of activities, and cyber-bullying.  For the most part, physical and verbal bullying as well as most relational bullying stay at school or on the playground, however cyber-bullying usually takes place at home and allows other bullying to go everywhere with the victim rather than having a place of refuge as with physical bullying.

Now here is the thing with bullying laws and policies, they only do so much.  While 49 states have anti-bullying laws that define bullying and policies for schools (Montana is the state with no laws), only 20 of those states define cyber-bullying and include it in the policies.  Of those 20 states, only two include cyber-bullying originating of campus so that the schools can get involved directly.  Most of the other states have left the policies open so the schools can decide if they want to include off campus bullying in their individual policies.  I have been reviewing Utah State Code on the definitions and policies and the definition is clear about physical, verbal and cyber-bullying, but not the other forms of relational bullying.  As the code includes cyber-bullying in the policies, it does not include cyber-bullying originating off campus or after school hours.  There is not currently any federal code on cyber-bullying.  The Megan Meier Cyberbullying Prevention Act is still in review three years after being introduced to congress because of the controversy with freedom of speech.  Constitutionality of any anti-bullying law is an issue because of the first amendment.  Do these laws cross that boundary or not?  The jury is still out.

Here is another item of interest.  Most of the Public Service Announcements, advertisements, and films that are anti-bullying are produced in Canada including the new movie cyberbu//y.  I also found more videos on YouTube that were made outside within the US.  We are behind the times as a nation on this very serious issue of bullying, particularly cyber-bullying.

Manovich Points of Interest:
(I don't have my book with me at this point, so I am guessing.)

  • Integration
  • Compositing
  • Human-Technology Interface

Sunday, October 28, 2012

iPhone 5 Home Page Paragraph & Manovich-isms

The iPhone 5 is a touchscreen smartphone created by Apple Inc.  It was released on September 21, 2012.  This is the sixth version of the iPhone to be released since it all began just 5 years ago in 2007.  In just the first 24 hours of going on sale, Apple sold over 2 million devices, and after the third day Apple reported sales in excess of 5 million!  Weighing just 3.95oz it is the lightest and thinnest smartphone of its kind.  The iPhone 5 received strong praise for the new larger screen measuring 4-inches diagonally.  Criticism came when Apple announced that a new universal connector/charger would be required for the phone.  This lessened when consumers learned that all forthcoming iOS devices would use this same connector and that it was done to be able to make their future products more thin.  It has now been nearly a month and a half since the pre-orders began, and the device is still sold out worldwide, and the back-orders won't ship for at least 3-4 weeks.  Apple has clearly created a product that is desirable to millions worldwide and we look forward to seeing what is to come!

Possible Manovich-isms that could appear in the final project:
  • Numerical Representation
  • Modularity
  • Automation
  • Variability
  • Transcoding
  • Hyperlinking
  • Interface
  • Operations
  • Illusions
  • Forms
  • Database Logic

Monday, October 8, 2012

Arrested Development videos

Nearly all of the videos I found are manipulations of official media- some are poorly ripped from DVDs or online streams of the show.

Many are compilations, like best of the show, best of a character, or scenes relating to a certain theme.

Some are set to music, like this one to the "Mahna Mahna" song (popularized by the Muppets) with "Mahna Mahna" replaced by people saying the name of one particular character.

These last two are great. Like every other mature adult in North America, my favorite song this summer was the complex and artful "Call Me Maybe," by Carly Rae Jeppeson. Luckily, Arrested Development has a character named Maeby. One video is short clips of the show set against the song's tune to make the characters "sing" it. The other is set to the original version of the song and showcases George Michael's crush on his cousin Maeby. (I know, I know, but trust me, its funny.)

Nearly all the videos I found are intended to be humorous. I think the cultish nature of the show led to the creation of some of the videos- fans wanted a way to keep it alive in some way and contribute to the continued cultural relevance of the show. The final broadcast episode aired in February of 2006 and people are still recycling the content in new ways over six years later.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Bullying Videos

So, wow,  I can't believe the videos I found.  I didn't expect to find anything funny or light.  I expected to find heavy stuff and it all was, sad heavy.  I din't know how many I would find, but they just kept coming up.  There is a lot of stuff on bullying, almost all of it is campaigning against bullying and several of them are from across the world.

There were several links to news broadcasts including more than one link to the news anchor's reply to a bully.  I also found links to the movies Bully and cyberbully.  You can watch all of cyberbully on Youtube if you want to.  There also ant-bullying commercials.

Most of the amateur bullying movies I found are the "I have a Secret" videos.  These videos involve no talking from the person on screen; the person holds up cards telling their story.  All of the stories are very personal and sad.  They usually end with a message of hope or recommending a hotline or website that can help.  The video below is an excellent example of these videos.

I did find a few videos that were done by high schoolers about bullying that were actual movies.  The editing was simple, but the message just as strong as the "I have a Secret" videos.  One of them was soft music, pictures of somebody's sister, and words telling her story.  Others have quotes and stats about bullying and end with a call to action.  The one below is one of my favorites.  This one was definitely done by amateurs, but still had a strong message, both with the story and the stats.  They were also careful to mention that it was a true story of a nameless boy that committed suicide at 13 due to bullying.  After giving some stats, they use a guilt trip as a call to action.

Non of the videos I found were particularly funny.  They all pulled at your heartstrings just as they were designed to do.  I especially find the "I have a Secret" videos powerful.  These videos have a profound effect because they are all personal stories.  There seems to be a whole community of these movies.  Teenagers are making their own videos because they are seeing them.  Some of their posts talk about their reasons for posting the videos.  One girl wanted to start the new year letting people know that there is help for those in situations like hers.  While not all of the "I have a Secret" videos have to do with being bullied, they are about depression, suicide attempts and/or mental and emotional illnesses resulting from abuse of some sort (bullying fits the abuse category).  I wonder how many of these kids make a video for therapy.

Grammar Videos

OK, this one was pretty fun.

Not surprisingly, I found several videos that were about "grammar nazis". I mean, YouTube is all about funny videos, right? And the "grammar nazi" angle is one of the only ways that you can be funny when it comes to grammar. The other videos I found were strictly educational in nature. You know, boring videos that look like you are sitting in a college class. There isn't much to say about the educational videos, other than the fact that they were created by some grammar enthusiasts with very little production value.

The humorous videos, on the other hand, were all over the place as far as production value goes. There were some videos that looked like a 13 year old kid made them with his phone, and others that were literally shown on the Disney channel. (The Disney one was absolutely awful, by the way). Like I said, a majority of them went with the "grammar nazi" theme. Most of these videos followed a similar story line: somebody doesn't use proper grammar and is rebuked by someone else (the "grammar nazi"). I should note here that I pretty much hated all the so-called humorous videos that I found. The "grammar nazi" angle is pretty well-worn, and there are only so many ways that you can go with it.

One that did make me laugh, however, still went with the "grammar nazi" theme, but kind of had a more literal take on it. First, a little context. This video is one of many "Hitler rant" videos that I have seen. The footage is from a movie about Hitler, but the subtitles are made up. I don't know when the first of these parodies was made, but a few notable examples include "Hitler reacting to the Kanye West vs Taylor Swift VMA moment", "Hitler getting banned from XBOX live", and "Hitler reacting to Usain Bolt setting the 100M record". Same video clip, different captions. So here is the grammar one. WARNING: There are a few swears! (In text only).

Funny right? I liked it. So this is a meme, only in video form. I found it interesting that we didn't discuss too many video memes in class (besides the Rick Roll, really)... But there are quite a few of them out there.

So there you go. Who would have thought you could find humorous parodies that involve the topic of grammar?

iPhone 5 on YouTube!

Enthusiastic Apple fans like to think of themselves as a very "creative" type of people.  The valiant will argue that the Apple products help them to expand their creativity and create whatever their minds can conjure up.  These theories were proven true as I looked through the various fan-videos for the iPhone 5 on YouTube. 

I knew that I would see some pretty creative things, but what I found was that the "die-hards" have a great deal of time on their hands!  I found everything from CG concept videos that were created as speculation prior to the release if the new iPhone to "drop tests" done with the iPhone 5 and its closest competitor, the Samsung Galaxy SIII once the phone had been released. 

The most common videos done by amateurs currently are "un-boxing" videos of their new iPhones.  This is to give a first-look of the phone as they unpackaged it for the very first time.  It is very painful to watch for those who have not yet got their iPhones, given that they are back-ordered for over a month right now!  Other videos include comparisons with older iPhone models as well as with other brands of advanced smart phones. 

Picking one of my favorites to post on the blog was actually very difficult! I narrowed it down to three videos.  I'll post first place below, but I think it's only fair to mention second and third place here. 

Third place was a prank done where a man dressed up as an Apple employee, and would walk by lots of different lines of anxious fans waiting in line the night before the release.  He had a stack of "boxes of iPhones" on a dolly that he was wheeling toward the store.  As he stopped to ask some of the fans if they were excited, he would accidentally stop the dolly too quickly and the boxes would fall.  It was so funny to see some of the people's reactions, who just thought their new iPhones had been broken.  That video can be seen here.

Second place was a drop test done on a cobblestone pathway.  This was a test done using the new iPhone 5 and the Samsung Galaxy SIII.  It's very interesting.  The man performing the test drops both phones from 3 different heights (the waist pocket, mid-torso, and the ear).  I was surprised to see that the Galaxy screen cracks on the second drop, and the iPhone 5 screen never cracks.  It's actually quite fascinating to see.  This video can be seen here.

First place I will show below because I think it was the most creative and probably took the creator the most time.  This is a concept video created before the iPhone 5 had ever been announced.  It is a video portraying what this fan hopes to see in the new iPhone or at least in a coming iPhone.  Although the only feature that was true is the new thin design, it is awesome to see what he has done with computer graphics and his imagination.  Enjoy! :)

Monday, October 1, 2012

Arrested Development: The Novelization

The first two chapters of the Google narrative set up the background for Arrested Development. Chapter One contains all the information you could ever want about, "an American television sitcom created by Mitchell Hurwitz for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The show centers on the Bluth family..." thanks to our faithfully know-it-all friend, Wikipedia.Then, in Chapter TwoIMDb teaches us more about our cast of characters. "Level-headed son Michael Bluth takes over family affairs after his father is imprisoned. But the rest of his spoiled, dysfunctional family are making..." All this background has me dying to dive right in. Ready?

Chapter Three contains an unexpected turn of events. We find from Arrested Development Music that "in celebration of their 20th year anniversary, Arrested Development will be performing many dates across the USA beginning in September and continuing..." An odd surprise to throw at us so early in the book, but surprises are good, right? We'll come back to this later. 

Chapter Four takes us to a place where novels have not yet dared to go- video! It reads, simply, "Watch Arrested Development online | Free | Hulu Watch Arrested Development free online. Stream episodes and clips of Arrested Development instantly." From here, we can dispense with all this pesky reading and rot our brains in front of some moving pictures. That's not the only non-novelistic surprise Google has for us though- Chapter Five is made entirely of still images of the family. Looks like they have family portraits taken quite often, huh?

Words make a comeback in Chapter Six, as gives us more background. "The Emmy Award-winning comedy series ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT revolves around MICHAEL BLUTH (Jason Bateman), the "normal" one in a family of crazies, who..." Fine, we get it. Michael is soooooo great. Why do you keep bragging about him, and why are we just now hearing about this Emmy Award?

Chapter Seven looks to the future: Why Arrested Development on Netflix could change everything... Fascinating! What else? "As plans for Arrested Development's return spread, many details indicate that thanks to Netflix, the popular cult series has the opportunity to not..." But, wait- when did this happen? We'll get the news that launched this news later.

Chapter 8, brought to us by Balboa Observer-Picayune: An Arrested Development Fan Site gives us more of that broad and fascinating background information we've been craving, this time from a source no one recognizes! "A fansite for the FOX TV show Arrested Development with everything you've ever wanted to know about the Bluth family." Hooray!

Finally, a chance to buy something. Chapter Nine gives us a place to purchase the videos we watched for free in Chapter Four, but this time we get to wait for physical disks to be delivered to our homes. Uh, thanks, I guess, Amazon. We did get something new from them though- vague testimonial. "Season One: Winner of the Outstanding Comedy Series Emmy its first year out,Arrested Development is the kind of sitcom that gives you hope for television." Wow, that really makes me want to buy and wait for something I could see for free immediately.

In Chapter 10, we learn more about the music via the most relevant website ever, MySpace. "ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT's official profile including the latest music, albums, songs, music videos and more updates." Does this really belong here?

  1. Chapter 11: We've already heard why Arrested Development on Netflix is great, so here's the announcement from the LA Times that new episodes of the show will be aired exclusively on Neflix. Great. Now Chapter Seven makes more sense. Wow. That was a great ending.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Grammar: As Written by the Database of the World

An endless dispute continues concerning proper grammar usage. Guide to Grammar seeks to put an end to this dispute. But with people like Wikipedia claiming that they know the answers, the dispute lives on. I hope whoever penned the grammar Wikipedia page used correct grammar.

But the encyclopedic nature of both Guide to Grammar and Wikipedia have proven to be too dense for the average reader. Wait, who is that on the horizon? It's Grammar Girl! She has come to save us from the boring world of grammar with a quirky and fun approach to a typically boring topic! Is she a dork? Or is she ironically cool? Nobody knows!

Look out, Grammar Girl! Grammar Gorillas is declaring (guerrilla?) war on your fun and quirky approach by making grammar even more exciting! Guess the correct answer to grammar questions and you win bananas! That is bananas! B-A-N-A-N-A-S, bananas!

The war on boring grammar comes to a critical mass when Grammar Bytes enters the fray. Not just fun and quirky, Grammar Bytes is grammar instruction with attitude. Possibly to appeal to the reality TV generation, where sassy attitude is king. The poor people who just wanted to learn grammar are being bombarded by these so-called "fun" grammar instruction sites.

All the while, amid the boring grammar war, the Purdue OWL holds strong in its appeal to the grammar nerds who don't mind being called grammar nerds. They don't need to be entertained by games and fun. They are satisfied with the mundane, academic approach.

Grammar from seeks to dethrone the Purdue OWL as king of the grammar sites for the indoor kids, but it's SEO ranking isn't very encouraging. Perhaps they would benefit from some more targeted keywords and incoming links.

But what about grammar instruction for the in-between crowd? You know, those who fall asleep when reading the Purdue OWL, but don't necessarily want to be overstimulated by the flashing excitement of grammar fun? (Maybe they have epilepsy...?) No fear, Grammar Monster is here! A fresh approach to grammar without being gimmicky is their appeal.

In conclusion, I ask: what is grammar, anyway? says it is the study of the way the sentences of a language are constructed; morphology and syntax.


Bring back Grammar Girl!

(The rest of the post is my commentary)

So, this was obviously a bit weird. But think about what I had to work with! When you google "grammar", you aren't going to find a lot of fan sites, or reviews, or stores selling grammar. All I got for results were different grammar instruction sites. The best thing I could think of is how different styles of grammar sites could be appealing to different people, and how one side is competing to be more academic, while the other side is competing to be more fun and quirky.

I admit, my choice of topic probably didn't facilitate a great blog post for this particular prompt, but I think I did OK with what I had!

The Tale of the iPhone 5

There was once a time when all cell phone carriers had limits on the amount of data one could use on their iPhone 5. Then Sprint came along and said "Don't put a limit on your data!" Sprint stepped forth, and offered their iPhone 5 with absolutely unlimited data.

The iPhone 5.  This is the thinnest, lightest, and fastest iPhone ever.  It can be ordered right this very moment at the Apple Store online.  The all-new design features a brilliant 4-inch display which will blow your mind and exceed all expectations.  Something so great must surely have its oppressors.

Out from the shadows, a spicy villain emerges seeking to destroy the iPhone 5. The Samsung Galaxy SIII which is said to be the most anticipated phone in Samsung's history is finally here!  This evil doer is trying to deceive loyal iPhone 5 fans that this phone is available and ready for their purchase immediately, whereas iPhone 5's are backordered and sold out!

Something to add to Samsung's canon appears in the news to show us that the new "Maps" app on the iPhone 5 is appearing to be a failure.  Apple's CEO Tim Cook steps up to the plate and expresses his sincere apology for this disappointment and vows to do all in his power to make it right and correct the Maps app.

Apple fans seem to respond positively to this because in the CNET iPhone 5 Review that follows, the iPhone 5 appears to have received an "EXCELLENT" rating!  Tech site Gizmodo is soon to follow with their iPhone 5 news, reviews, and gossip portraying very positive.  One week, and 18 people have already shared stories of how they have managed to break their iPhone 5's!

While some have already broke theirs, some sad souls have not yet been able to receive their iPhone 5's.  If you happen to fit this mold, then you may want to know "How to wait in an iPhone 5 line" as so kindly shared by CNN.  Wait in line yourself, or pay someone to do it for you.  Either way, you are going to have to wait in a line if you didn't pre-order yours.

Suppose you were successful in getting in and are at the cusp of buying your new iPhone 5! You're presented with a conundrum.  Which service provider do you chose?! Well Verizon Wireless would like us all to know of their 4G LTE speed.  Looks like just a bunch of random numbers and letters, right?  4G stands for "4th Generation" (in cellular technology) and LTE stands for Long Term Evolution.  Bottom line is Verizon is the fastest!

Success! You picked your service provider, and have turned to the wonderful world of iMore where you can bask in the continuous flow of knowledge that comes from a vast community of iPhone 5 lovers.  Now that you've reached the climax of your story and purchased your phone all you have left to do is enjoy it! iMore shares all the great news and discussions about the iPhone 5 to help you stay up to the latest on what your amazing device can do!

As we turn the final page, we see that on the first day, the iPhone 5 sold 2 million units.  By the end of the first week 10 million phones have been sold.  Breaking all records in consumer electronics history, we come to realize that although the final page of this book has been completed, the iPhone 5 story has really only just begun.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Bullying, A Novel by Google

So, I realize that this post is kind of long, but perhaps you will enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.  I added all the links so you could follow them at any time.  I followed some of them while I was writing this and some of them are very interesting.

We open with a scene from where "[b]ullying can happen anywhere and to anyone.  Get information here to stop bullying at school, online, and in the community."  

But, wait.  What is bullying?  Find out from the all knowing oracle Wikipedia.  

Now that our hero knows what bullying is, he is worried about his friend being bullied at school so he looks up Dealing with Bullying on

Oh no! Not enough information! Never fear Bullying: Medline Plus and Bullying | American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry are places to go for information. 

The scene shifts.  We are in the den of our hero.  He is looking at the news: Facebook bullying catches attention of NM police Social Bullying Common in TV Shows Kids Watch, and Homecoming bullying prank turns to civic 
support of victim Whitney Kropp (+video) are what he sees.  

While online, our hero discovers just how many anti-bullying sites there are just like the opening scene for both kids and adults.  It's My Life . Friends . Bullies | PBS Kids GO! and Kids Against Bullying are more for kids just like our hero and his friend while Bullying at School and Online | Education.comNational Bullying Prevention CenterBullying — National Crime Prevention Council and are better for their parents and other adults dealing with bullying.

While we wait for our next scene, we view pictures of kids being bullied, kids being left out, cartoons, memes and fan art.  Some of these images make our hero want to do something, others make him want to cry, while others are slap your leg funny.

And a word from our sponsors "Is Bullying Getting Worse In Our Society?  Join The Discussion."

We come back to a scene with Bullying in Boys and Girls: How to Stop Bullying just for parents.  

But, that is not all!  We must never forget our academic writing from on 
Bullying.  "Yet, with greater understanding of the extent, seriousness, and dynamics of this problem, the amount and consequences of bullying can be greatly reduced" (Eyes on Bullying).

Now that our hero's parents have a greater understanding, they now learn to prevent bullying from

The scene now shifts to CBS News where our hero sees Bullying: Words Can Kill - 48 Hours.  Now our hero and his parents goes to theaters to see Bully that they learned about from Bully | Now Playing In Select Theaters | Official Site.  This documentary was rated "R" and was recently dropped to "PG-13" because of one young woman who made a stand so the target audience could see the film, bullies and their victims in schools.

Home again, our here looks to see what more can be done and finds more information on while his parents learn that bullying is not at school: Workplace Bullying.  They view together another video on YouTube:
And we close with a word from our sponsors "Is Bullying Getting Worse In Our Society?  Join The Discussion."

Monday, September 24, 2012

Arrested Development Memes and Fanart

Unsurprisingly, it was very easy to find Arrested Development memes and fanart.

This is a variation of the Keep Calm and Carry On meme, which originated from a British WWII propaganda poster. The "Keep Calm" meme is incredibly popular online and has even leaked into the "real world." Information required to "get it" includes the running joke that when the Bluth siblings were children, their father taught them elaborate lessons that included a man with a missing arm. The children did something their father, George, didn't like (not leaving a note when they used the last of the milk) and the situation escalated to the point where this man lost his (fake) arm gruesomely as a result of the childrens' behavior.

Creating the image makes a connection between everyday life and the show. The creator pulled together the old poster, the cultural craze surrounding the poster, and an aspect of the show.

This is one of many TV-show memes based on Texts from Last Night, popular on Tumblr. Users take texts featured on TFLN and overlay them on stills of TV shows for humorous effect. 

To "get" this, users must know that Ann, the girl pictured, is devoutly Christian and making her first prank call at the urging of her boyfriend.  The included text describes a parallel situation of a Christian person misbehaving. The maker had to see the text on TFLN and remember this particular moment in the show and connect the two in his mind, then take the time to search out this still and create the image. It demonstrates the amount of space the maker's mind has dedicated to Arrested Development and the appreciation for the show.

Professional illustrator Kyle Hilton creates paper dolls of characters from TV shows and movies on his Tumblr and has done a whole series of Arrested Development characters. While the artist is a professional, he didn't originally create the paper dolls for profit. They have certainly helped him gain notoriety (and are now being sold). Because the artist is a professional illustrator, he almost certainly uses Adobe Illustrator and other professional-level tools. 

As this is part of a series, the artist has used a template to a certain degree. The artist also selected specific aspects of this character to represent the character as a whole in this particular image.

The Bully - Memes and Fan Art

When I decided to use bullying for my final project, I washed it through the memes experiment.  The other day, while I was looking up memes to use, I discovered that there are several different voices on the memes, the most common being against anti-bullying.  None of them were really funny to me, but I don't find that kind of stuff funny.  Many of them were quite serious.  The memes that did come up for anti-bullying were all different.  Most of them were a one time meme.  In other words, I didn't see them with any different captions.

The "philosopher" meme, above, is often used to get people to think about an idea, usually the opposite of the actual philosophy.  It obviously gets it's name from the stance of the dinosour and requires a skeptical view of things to be funny.  I find that it is sometimes used to poke fun at important ideas.  Here it is used to call into question anti-bullying.

The "Stop Cyber Bullying Girl" has several memes all in response to the image.  This one kind of makes fun of the meme itself.  There was only one version of this meme that agreed with the picture saying "Stop... Please...."  The others were all similar to this one, my favorite saying "You gotta do more than that to stop bullying."

The fan art for bullying was much different.  Most of it was like the image below.  Most of it was fan art for another thing like Disney or Anime with a caption added to it.

This one, as well as several of the other Disney related images that came up, have two images from the movies super imposed together.  The image of Belle had to be cut out and composited to the image Jasmine and a caption added to it.  This image and others like it will reach out to a very specific audience.  The Disney fan art will reach out to younger kids and pre-teens that are still interested in the Disney princess.  The Anime fan art reaches an older crowd, including many of us.

I did find a couple of anti-bullying fan art that were more specific to bullying.

This one is called "Mercy, not a Myth".  It is a montage or collage of different images or memes and a poem to the side.  Each of the images is powerful and has a strong anti-bullying message specific to the image.  Putting them together and adding the poem on the side gives them the all same message and adds a call to action thus giving the images more power and meaning.

This one is pretty normal.  I found a couple like it.  It is also the kind of montage I would have created on my own using templates and ready made images.  This one uses only word, but they are the kind of words that point out the different kinds of bullying that some people are not aware of.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

iPhone 5 Memes & Art!

I was able to find quite a few memes and fan art related to the iPhone 5 and also just iPhones in general.  Also not surprising, I found a lot of anti-apple related material as well.  I'm quite the Apple fan, as mentioned in my earlier post, however to make this as unbiased as possible, I will include some memes and fan art to show the sides both for and against the Apple iPhone 5.

For my first, I will show a meme that rings true for all devout Apple fans.  When a new product is released, most will jump right in and buy whatever that product may be.  I feel this meme adequately portrays this situation :)

Next, let's take a look at a meme from the other side of the spectrum.  This meme would have been created by someone anti-Apple, claiming that all their products are pretty much the same, having only slight differences.  Plus, I love Zoolander, so I had to include this!

Here's one that I just thought was funny!

My piece(s) of fan art will be in 3 parts to show the evolution of something I that I recently saw in the news regarding Apple and Samsung and their everlasting battle.  Below is the print advertisement that Samsung released shortly following the announcement of the new iPhone 5.  The purpose of the ad is to show that "It Doesn't Take a Genius" to know that the Galaxy S III is better than the new iPhone 5.  See below the picture for the rest of the story.

Loyal Apple fans were obviously not too pleased with Samsung for doing this, so they "released" a rebuttal ad promoting the iPhone 5 over the Galaxy S III.  To do so, they quickly crossed out the features that were identical between the two phones, and added commentary on the right side to give reasons behind why Samsung has done some things and predictions on what they will do in the future to further copy Apple.  They also added comical text throughout the ad to make Samsung just seem like a "bully" who is "Copying the Future".

 Finally, Apple fans completely changed the whole appearance of the ad with different text on the top and bottom to promote the iPhone 5 over the Galaxy S III.  Personally, I think they should have also changed the pictures of the phones as well, to make the iPhone 5 look more appealing than the Samsung phone.

Grammar Memes!

Honestly, I didn't think I would be able to find any good memes for my topic. But surprisingly, I found quite a few.

Here is the first one:

The Willy Wonka meme was already explained in the blog prompt, so I won't bother explaining it again. I'm sure that anybody who has used the internet knows that most people don't bother using correct grammar in chat rooms, on message boards, or in most online environments. Many people argue that using correct grammar isn't necessary in these environments because they aren't academic settings. So when somebody comes into a chat room or on a message board and starts correcting grammar, they are typically ridiculed and asked to shut-up. 

This particular Willy Wonka meme pokes fun at the people who insist on correcting grammar. The meme insinuates that correcting grammar is unproductive, especially in an online setting. I personally haven't seen this meme used in real life, but I assume that people use it on a message board when somebody posts grammar corrections. The meme is basically saying, "nobody cares that our grammar is bad... go do something better with your time."

Here is the second one:

If you don't know, this is Ryan Gosling. This example is a little bit more complex than the last one in that the original intention of the "Feminist Ryan Gosling Meme" seems to have been lost. For an in depth history of the "Feminist Ryan Gosling Meme", click here. But in short, the meme was started by somebody who was trying to keep track of feminist ideas and theorists. Eventually, it evolved into photos of Gosling with a sensitive sounding quote imposed onto the photo, all with the intro "Hey girl..."

Now, look at the example I shared. The quote is neither feminist inspired nor sensitive. It appears as if somebody just took the "Hey girl..." intro, then posted some random quote about grammar. The blood on his shirt is supposed to lead the viewer to believe the Mr. Gosling beat up the guy who didn't use proper grammar. 

This second example seems to have been created by somebody who encourages correct grammar, as opposed to the first example which is condescending toward grammar correctors. 

You can probably imagine that is was a bit more difficult to find grammar fan-art, and it was. But here is something I found:

A "grammar nazi" is one who constantly corrects grammar. If somebody tries to correct somebody else's grammar on a message board post, a typical response might be "all heil the grammar nazi!" Now, I don't think I have to explain what a nazi is--at least I don't think I do, right? The point is, I'm sure most people know what is being suggested by the term "grammar nazi". By knowing what the term suggests, the intentions of the user of the term should also be pretty clear--people who constantly correct grammar are like nazis. That is obviously extreme, but the internet is full of extremes!

As far as the creation of this piece of art, it doesn't seem as if it took an incredible amount of technological skill. I can't confirm this, since I don't have a word processor on my computer right now, but I wouldn't be surprised if there is a simple template in Microsoft Word that can be used to create something that looks like a book cover. The most complicated part was most likely the creation of the logo, but I'm not sure if this particular artist was even the original creator of the swastika inspired "grammar nazi" logo. 

I like this one, too: 


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